Thanks to all who made it on Friday for our first office drinks party. The new BBQ sizzled, the sun streamed in so much we had to crack a bottle of sunscreen and the new pad was officially christened. We think it made the perfect location for Friday drinks so for those of you who missed out - rest assured there will be a repeat! It was terrific to show off our new window display brought to us by "Loved by Band". This will change out regularly to entertain the masses (of people who frequent the Duchess Bakery next door!!).
Introducing Curious George.... George (yes she's a girl), is the newest recruit at the pr shop. Despite recently graduating from the University of Otago with degrees in Law and History, George's long held captivation with reading, writing and chatting saw her shun her legal beginnings in favour of taking up a career in PR. A self proclaimed aphorist (go on look it up!) with excesses of enthusiasm and imagination, George is a newbie to both the industry and the pr shop. Make sure you all say hi next time you call or pop in.
And farewell to Meticulous Mich .... When one chapter begins, another one ends. After whipping us into shape and masterminding our recent seamless office move, Michelle is leaving us to embark on her next challenge - whipping Fairfax Sundays into shape. We think it might take a bit more elbow grease than we required, but we have little doubt that she will quickly make her mark. Thanks for all of your hard work Mich - we'll miss you!