There’s only one day of the year when being a green-eyed monster ain’t such a bad thing. As that day rolled around on Thursday March 17th, the pr shop girls merrily cried Irish greetings to those who passed by, in the name of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.
Shelley and Lysh started the day bright and early with a trip to the nice folk at TVNZ, to sort them out with some Irish cheer. Five young Irish dancers, in full costume, met them there to perform live on Breakfast, while Petra and Corin tried out some yummy Guinness goodies in the studio. Decked out our green four-leafed clover sunglasses, and blowing mini Guinness horn-whistles, Petra ate a hole in the brown Guinness bread and they both devoured the Guinness chocolate truffles. Big thumbs up on that one! The day’s Guinness girls also made their way around Auckland’s radio stations to let them have a chat with the Guinness team and to drop off cans of cold Guinness, pint glasses and the St.Paddy’s Day-themed Guinness tasties. One just can’t go through St. Paddy’s Day without such things, and Shels and Lysh were pleased to be able to spread the goodness.
Be Irish, or not-so-Irish, any excuse for celebrations come warmly welcomed at the pr shop, and St. Paddy’s was no exception. There was nothing for it, but to head across the road for a pint of Guinness and a few platefuls of good, thick, chips (because, as we all agreed, you had to eat potatoes to celebrate the Irish).
Lunch featured foam moustaches, as Alisa rather inelegantly tried her first Guinness, and a few minor spills, as we tried to drink our pints the ‘proper’ way (tilting the head, and not the glass, that is). Somewhat unsuccessful in this particular endeavour, we hastily retreated to an easier method – careful sipping of the very-full glass from above.
Bellies filled with good ol’ hearty potato, and salt and pepper squid (which isn’t exactly Irish, but couldn’t be turned down because it tastes so good) we returned to the office cheerful and a just a wee bit red-faced.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!