Late last week we (temporarily) lost one of our girls to the whirlwind that is the nationwide Telecom BackingBlack Travelling Headquarters tour (hereby referred to as BackingBlack Travelling HQ).
Jumping up, down and around the country, following the All Blacks games, the BackingBlack Travelling HQ is the official All Blacks fan club on the road.
Lysh has literally jumped on the bandwagon, and is travelling the country with the BackingBlack team, rallying up general excitement and good feeling around the country.
Work? Or a road trip? Bit of both perhaps…Either way, it sounds like fun, and back in the office we’re struggling not to feel jealous!
We’re told that activities in the first three stops – Kaitaia, Hamilton and New Plymouth – were interspersed by intervals of torrential rain, but that it was all good fun anyway (not least due to appearances by former All Blacks, especially for Lysh who’s an All Black nutter).
Besides, apparently slippery surfaces make for hilarious falls when you’re trying to knock your mates down in a giant bouncy tunnel…see why we’re jealous now?